This example is most like creating a video player, inserting pictures into REU memory. To make this demo, we take a YouTube video, 8 frames per second for a total of 56 frames. The frames is resized to 128x128 pixels, composed in a strip and reproduced, one frame at a time, with the illusion of an animation. The demo can be stored on two floppy disks or in a single 512KB REU image.
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BITMAP ENABLE(16) PROCEDURE example ON C64REU strip0 := LOAD IMAGES( "flare-0.png" ) FRAME SIZE (128,128) BANKED strip1 := LOAD IMAGES( "flare-1.png" ) FRAME SIZE (128,128) BANKED strip2 := LOAD IMAGES( "flare-2.png" ) FRAME SIZE (128,128) BANKED strip3 := LOAD IMAGES( "flare-3.png" ) FRAME SIZE (128,128) BANKED strip4 := LOAD IMAGES( "flare-4.png" ) FRAME SIZE (128,128) BANKED strip5 := LOAD IMAGES( "flare-5.png" ) FRAME SIZE (128,128) BANKED strip6 := LOAD IMAGES( "flare-6.png" ) FRAME SIZE (128,128) BANKED strip7 := LOAD IMAGES( "flare-7.png" ) FRAME SIZE (128,128) BANKED COLOR BORDER BLACK CLS BLACK DIM strip AS BYTE, frame AS BYTE LOCATE 0,ROWS / 2 INK WHITE strip = 0 DO SELECT CASE strip CASE 0 PUT IMAGE strip0 FRAME frame AT 16, 36 CASE 1 PUT IMAGE strip1 FRAME frame AT 16, 36 CASE 2 PUT IMAGE strip2 FRAME frame AT 16, 36 CASE 3 PUT IMAGE strip3 FRAME frame AT 16, 36 CASE 4 PUT IMAGE strip4 FRAME frame AT 16, 36 CASE 5 PUT IMAGE strip5 FRAME frame AT 16, 36 CASE 6 PUT IMAGE strip6 FRAME frame AT 16, 36 ENDSELECT INC frame IF frame = FRAMES(strip0) THEN frame = 0 INC strip IF strip = 7 THEN strip = 4 ENDIF ENDIF LOOP END PROCEDURE example[] ON C64REU
The instructions here refer to compiling the example from the command line. For Microsoft Windows
users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile each single example with just one click.
Are instructions for your specific home computer / console missing? First of all, check if your computer
is supported by clicking here. If so, since ugBASIC is a language which does not provide abstractions, it is possible
that this example will not work on your target. If you think this is an issue, please click here.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.c64reu -O d64 -o contrib_flare.d64 contrib_flare.bas
ugbc.c64reu.exe -O d64 -o contrib_flare.d64 contrib_flare.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
If you have found a problem trying to run this example, if you think there is a bug or, more
simply, you would like it to be improved, open an issue for this example on GitHub.
Thank you!
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