This program will try to answer to the Gary Luckenbaugh's article about FOR...NEXT best practice under ugBASIC.
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CLS ''' RULE #1 ' Always enter a FOR-NEXT loop at the FOR. Don’t even think about entering ' the middle of a loop. Not surprisingly, “there be dragons here” if you ' do. ' ' In ugBASIC you can enter into a FOR...NEXT without problems. PRINT "RULE#1" PRINT DIM x1 AS BYTE x1 = 1 GOTO inTheMiddle1 FOR x1 = 1 TO 10 inTheMiddle1: PRINT x1;" "; NEXT x1 PRINT ''' RULE #2 ' Never leave a FOR-NEXT mid-flight. Use FOR-NEXT to count from the ' beginning to the TO value with steps of STEP. If you feel you must ' leave a FOR in mid-flight, then FOR is not the proper construct. ' ' In ugBASIC you can exit out from a FOR...NEXT without problems. PRINT:PRINT "RULE #2" PRINT DIM x2 AS BYTE FOR x2 = 1 TO 10 PRINT x2;" "; IF x2 > 4 THEN GOTO outOfFor2 NEXT x2 outOfFor2: PRINT ''' RULE #3 ' If you absolutely must jump out of a FOR, then you must always ' come back to where you left off. The best way to do this is ' via GOSUB to jump out and then RETURN to where you were. ' At the location where you jump out, there should be no ' FORs with the same control variable, in this case i. ' ' In ugBASIC you can jump out using GOTO (see rules #1 and #2) ' and you can use the same variable if you jump inside a GOSUB. ''' RULE #4 ' Never enter a FOR loop recursively, unless you are using a modern ' BASIC, and even then use recursive subs/functions and not GOTOs ' or GOSUBS ' ' ugBASIC does not support recursion ''' RULE #5 ' Don’t try to change the final value or the step when a FOR-NEXT ' is in-flight. You may get away with this on some BASICs and ' not on others. ' ' In ugBASIC you can change initial, final and step value. PRINT:PRINT "RULE #5" PRINT DIM x5 AS BYTE, f5 AS BYTE, t5 AS BYTE, s5 AS BYTE f5 = 1: t5 = 10: s5 = 2 FOR x5 = f5 TO t5 STEP s5 PRINT x5; " "; IF x5 > 4 THEN t5 = 10 s5 = 4 ENDIF NEXT PRINT ''' RULE #6 ' Don’t change the control variable in-flight: ' ' In ugBASIC you can change the contro variable, as you like. PRINT:PRINT "RULE #6" PRINT DIM x6 AS BYTE FOR x6 = 1 TO 10 PRINT x6;" "; IF x6 > 3 THEN x6 = 10 NEXT PRINT ''' RULE #7 ' Draw a line from each FOR to the corresponding NEXT, and make ' sure no lines overlap, as depicted below: ' ' +-- for i = 1 to 10 ' | '+----|--------for j = 1 to 10 '+ | '+ +---next i '+ '+-------next j ' ' Also ugBASIC respects this rule.
The instructions here refer to compiling the example from the command line. For Microsoft Windows
users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile each single example with just one click.
Are instructions for your specific home computer / console missing? First of all, check if your computer
is supported by clicking here. If so, since ugBASIC is a language which does not provide abstractions, it is possible
that this example will not work on your target. If you think this is an issue, please click here.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.cpc -O dsk -o contrib_for_next_bp.dsk contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.cpc.exe -O dsk -o contrib_for_next_bp.dsk contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.atarixl -O xex -o contrib_for_next_bp.xex contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.atarixl.exe -O xex -o contrib_for_next_bp.xex contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.atari -O xex -o contrib_for_next_bp.xex contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.atari.exe -O xex -o contrib_for_next_bp.xex contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.coleco -O rom -o contrib_for_next_bp.rom contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.coleco.exe -O rom -o contrib_for_next_bp.rom contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.c128z -O prg -o contrib_for_next_bp.prg contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.c128z.exe -O prg -o contrib_for_next_bp.prg contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.c128 -O prg -o contrib_for_next_bp.prg contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.c128.exe -O prg -o contrib_for_next_bp.prg contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.c64 -O prg -o contrib_for_next_bp.prg contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.c64.exe -O prg -o contrib_for_next_bp.prg contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.d32 -O bin -o contrib_for_next_bp.bin contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.d32.exe -O bin -o contrib_for_next_bp.bin contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.d64 -O bin -o contrib_for_next_bp.bin contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.d64.exe -O bin -o contrib_for_next_bp.bin contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.msx1 -O rom -o contrib_for_next_bp.rom contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.msx1.exe -O rom -o contrib_for_next_bp.rom contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.pc128op -O k7 -o contrib_for_next_bp.k7 contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.pc128op.exe -O k7 -o contrib_for_next_bp.k7 contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.plus4 -O prg -o contrib_for_next_bp.prg contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.plus4.exe -O prg -o contrib_for_next_bp.prg contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.sc3000 -O rom -o contrib_for_next_bp.rom contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.sc3000.exe -O rom -o contrib_for_next_bp.rom contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.sg1000 -O rom -o contrib_for_next_bp.rom contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.sg1000.exe -O rom -o contrib_for_next_bp.rom contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.coco -O bin -o contrib_for_next_bp.bin contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.coco.exe -O bin -o contrib_for_next_bp.bin contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.coco3 -O bin -o contrib_for_next_bp.bin contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.coco3.exe -O bin -o contrib_for_next_bp.bin contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.mo5 -O k7 -o contrib_for_next_bp.k7 contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.mo5.exe -O k7 -o contrib_for_next_bp.k7 contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.to8 -O k7 -o contrib_for_next_bp.k7 contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.to8.exe -O k7 -o contrib_for_next_bp.k7 contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.vic20 -O prg -o contrib_for_next_bp.prg contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.vic20.exe -O prg -o contrib_for_next_bp.prg contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.zx -O tap -o contrib_for_next_bp.tap contrib_for_next_bp.bas
ugbc.zx.exe -O tap -o contrib_for_next_bp.tap contrib_for_next_bp.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
If you have found a problem trying to run this example, if you think there is a bug or, more
simply, you would like it to be improved, open an issue for this example on GitHub.
Thank you!
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