Generation of random mazes via backtracking. This program is a port of the example written in XC=BASIC 3.1 by JJ Flash, with the addition of a "mouse" that moves inside the maze in search of the "cheese".
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DEFINE DEFAULT TYPE SIGNED WORD VAR finalScrPosition AS WORD CONST wall = 95 : CONST space = 32 : CONST mouse = 81 VAR nextDirection AS BYTE: VAR firstnextDirection AS BYTE DIM dirArray(4) = #{ 2, -80, -2, 80 } PRINT "press a key (i need randomness)" WAIT KEY CLS BLACK INK WHITE RANDOMIZE TIMER restart: FOR i = 0 TO 999: POKE Txa+i, wall: NEXT FOR i = 0 TO 39: POKE Txa+i, space: NEXT FOR i = 0 TO 39: POKE Txa+984+i,space: NEXT screenPosition = Txa+79 FOR i = 1 TO 23 POKE screenPosition, space screenPosition = screenPosition + 40 NEXT steps = 0 : maxSteps = 0 screenPosition = Txa + 81 + (80 * RND(9)) + 2 * RND(9) POKE screenPosition, 4 : ' "D" digAnotherLocation: nextDirection = RND(3) : firstnextDirection = nextDirection IF steps > maxSteps THEN : maxSteps = steps: finalScrPosition = newScreenPosition : ENDIF tryDiggingAgain: newScreenPosition = screenPosition + dirArray(nextDirection) IF PEEK(newScreenPosition) = wall THEN POKE newScreenPosition, nextDirection POKE screenPosition + ( dirArray(nextDirection)\2 ), space screenPosition = newScreenPosition steps = steps + 1 GOTO digAnotherLocation ENDIF nextDirection = (nextDirection + 1) AND 3 IF nextDirection <> firstnextDirection THEN : GOTO tryDiggingAgain : ENDIF nextDirection = PEEK(screenPosition) : POKE screenPosition, space steps = steps - 1 IF nextDirection < 4 THEN screenPosition = screenPosition - dirArray(nextDirection) GOTO digAnotherLocation ENDIF POKE screenPosition, 1 : POKE finalScrPosition, 2 HOME : PRINT "max steps: " ; maxSteps ; " - final loc: " ; finalScrPosition POKE screenPosition, mouse : nextDirection = 2 mouseLabel: WAIT VBL newScreenPosition = screenPosition + (dirArray(nextDirection)\2) IF newScreenPosition = finalScrPosition THEN : GOTO restart : ENDIF IF PEEK(newScreenPosition) = space THEN POKE newScreenPosition, mouse : POKE screenPosition, space screenPosition = newScreenPosition nextDirection = (nextDirection - 2) AND 3 ENDIF nextDirection = (nextDirection - 1) AND 3 GOTO mouseLabel
The instructions here refer to compiling the example from the command line. For Microsoft Windows
users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile each single example with just one click.
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In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.c128 -O prg -o contrib_mazegen.prg contrib_mazegen.bas
ugbc.c128.exe -O prg -o contrib_mazegen.prg contrib_mazegen.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
If you have found a problem trying to run this example, if you think there is a bug or, more
simply, you would like it to be improved, open an issue for this example on GitHub.
Thank you!
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