This is the "10 liner" version of RAM-Scanner example. A RAM-scanner, written (originally) in XC=BASIC by the Italian JJ Flash, and translated in ugBASIC which displays part of the contents of the RAM, in PETSCII characters. With it you can run from one part of the retro computer memory to another by simply using the joystick. A nice example of how to take advantage of the powerful MMOVE instruction.

Click here for more informations.

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How to compile and run the example

The instructions here refer to compiling the example from the command line. For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows you to download and compile each single example with just one click.

Are instructions for your specific home computer / console missing? First of all, check if your computer is supported by clicking here. If so, since ugBASIC is a language which does not provide abstractions, it is possible that this example will not work on your target. If you think this is an issue, please click here.

Atari 1200XL, Atari 130XE, Atari 600XL, Atari 65XE, Atari 800XE, Atari 800XL, Atari XEGS

In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:


ugbc.atarixl -O xex -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.xex contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas


ugbc.atarixl.exe -O xex -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.xex contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas

For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows you to download and compile this example with just one click.

Atari 400, Atari 800

In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:


ugbc.atari -O xex -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.xex contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas


ugbc.atari.exe -O xex -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.xex contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas

For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows you to download and compile this example with just one click.

Commodore 128 (CPU 8502)

In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:


ugbc.c128 -O prg -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.prg contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas


ugbc.c128.exe -O prg -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.prg contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas

For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows you to download and compile this example with just one click.

Commodore 64, Commodore Executive 64

In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:


ugbc.c64 -O prg -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.prg contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas


ugbc.c64.exe -O prg -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.prg contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas

For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows you to download and compile this example with just one click.

Dragon 32

In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:


ugbc.d32 -O bin -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bin contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas


ugbc.d32.exe -O bin -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bin contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas

For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows you to download and compile this example with just one click.

Dragon 64

In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:


ugbc.d64 -O bin -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bin contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas


ugbc.d64.exe -O bin -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bin contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas

For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows you to download and compile this example with just one click.

TRS-80 Color Computer, TRS-80 Color Computer 2

In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:


ugbc.coco -O bin -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bin contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas


ugbc.coco.exe -O bin -o contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bin contrib_memory_scan_10lines.bas

For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows you to download and compile this example with just one click.

Any problem?

If you have found a problem trying to run this example, if you think there is a bug or, more simply, you would like it to be improved, open an issue for this example on GitHub.
Thank you!

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