This is a renderer for the data file produced by the converter from Blender Freestyle SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) into sequential files. The file is stored on the host file system, then loaded and used by ugBASIC to initialize the array. This example will render a "Naboo N1 Starfighter", and a scaler is implemented, to guarantee that the image will be drawn inside a "virtual screen" of 320x200 pixels.
Click here for more informations.
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DEFINE SCREEN MODE UNIQUE PROCEDURE example ON ALL BUT VIC20, ATARIXL, PLUS4 BITMAP ENABLE(320,200) RESOLUTION 300,200 CLS DIM data() = LOAD "contrib_naboo_n1.txt" AS TEXT READONLY DIM pos AS INTEGER = 0 DO mode = data(pos): x = data(pos+1): y = data(pos+2) SELECT CASE mode CASE #0 PLOT x, y CASE #1 LINE TO x, y CASE ELSE HALT ENDSELECT INC pos : INC pos : INC pos LOOP END PROCEDURE example[] ON ALL BUT VIC20, ATARIXL, PLUS4
The instructions here refer to compiling the example from the command line. For Microsoft Windows
users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile each single example with just one click.
Are instructions for your specific home computer / console missing? First of all, check if your computer
is supported by clicking here. If so, since ugBASIC is a language which does not provide abstractions, it is possible
that this example will not work on your target. If you think this is an issue, please click here.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.cpc -O dsk -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.dsk contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.cpc.exe -O dsk -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.dsk contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.atari -O xex -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.xex contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.atari.exe -O xex -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.xex contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.coleco -O rom -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.rom contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.coleco.exe -O rom -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.rom contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.c128z -O prg -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.prg contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.c128z.exe -O prg -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.prg contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.c128 -O prg -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.prg contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.c128.exe -O prg -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.prg contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.c64 -O prg -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.prg contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.c64.exe -O prg -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.prg contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.c64reu -O d64 -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.d64 contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.c64reu.exe -O d64 -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.d64 contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.d32 -O bin -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bin contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.d32.exe -O bin -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bin contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.d64 -O bin -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bin contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.d64.exe -O bin -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bin contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.msx1 -O rom -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.rom contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.msx1.exe -O rom -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.rom contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.pc128op -O k7 -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.k7 contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.pc128op.exe -O k7 -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.k7 contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.sc3000 -O rom -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.rom contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.sc3000.exe -O rom -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.rom contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.sg1000 -O rom -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.rom contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.sg1000.exe -O rom -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.rom contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.coco -O bin -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bin contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.coco.exe -O bin -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bin contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.coco3 -O bin -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bin contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.coco3.exe -O bin -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bin contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.mo5 -O k7 -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.k7 contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.mo5.exe -O k7 -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.k7 contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.to8 -O k7 -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.k7 contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.to8.exe -O k7 -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.k7 contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.zx -O tap -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.tap contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
ugbc.zx.exe -O tap -o contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.tap contrib_naboo_n1_resolution.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
If you have found a problem trying to run this example, if you think there is a bug or, more
simply, you would like it to be improved, open an issue for this example on GitHub.
Thank you!
open an issue