This is an example for ISS tracking application.
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CONST httpGet = 12 CONST noTranslation = 0 CONST json = 1 CONST success = 1 CONST apiEndpoint = "N:HTTP://" CONST queryLongitude = "/iss_position/longitude" CONST queryLatitude = "/iss_position/latitude" CONST queryTimeStamp = "/timestamp" latitude = 0 longitude = 0 longitudeString = "" latitudeString = "" timestampString = "" CLS PROCEDURE selectFujiNet ON COCO CENTER "ISS TRACKER" PRINT PRINT "CHOOSE YOUR FUJINET:" PRINT PRINT "1) emulated/virtualized (becker port)" PRINT "2) real hardware" PRINT DO port = VAL(INKEY$) IF port = 1 THEN DEFINE FUJINET BECKER PORT EXIT ELSE IF port = 2 THEN DEFINE FUJINET HDBDOS EXIT ENDIF LOOP END PROC PROCEDURE selectFujiNet ON ATARI CENTER "ISS TRACKER" PRINT PRINT "CHOOSE YOUR FUJINET:" PRINT PRINT "1) emulated (via device R1:)" PRINT "2) virtualized/real hardware" PRINT DO port = VAL(INKEY$) IF port = 1 THEN DEFINE FUJINET SERIAL EXIT ELSE IF port = 2 THEN DEFINE FUJINET SIO EXIT ENDIF LOOP END PROC selectFujiNet[] ON COCO selectFujiNet[] ON ATARI BITMAP ENABLE(16) CLS map := LOAD IMAGE("worldmap.png") EXACT iss := LOAD IMAGE("iss.png") EXACT PROCEDURE fetch SHARED latitude, longitude SHARED latitudeAsString, longitudeAsString SHARED timestampString FUJINET DEVICE 0 err = FUJINET OPEN(apiEndpoint, httpGet, noTranslation) IF err <> success THEN HOME CENTER "--- OPEN ERROR ---" RETURN ENDIF FUJINET SET CHANNEL MODE json err = FUJINET PARSE JSON IF err <> success THEN HOME CENTER "--- JSON PARSE ERROR ---" RETURN ENDIF FUJINET SET JSON QUERY queryLongitude FUJINET STATUS longitudeAsString = FUJINET READ(FUJINET BYTES AS STRING) longitude = ( SCREEN WIDTH / 2 ) + ( ( VAL(longitudeAsString) * ( SCREEN WIDTH / 2 ) ) / 360 ) FUJINET SET JSON QUERY queryLatitude FUJINET STATUS latitudeAsString = FUJINET READ(FUJINET BYTES AS STRING) latitude = ( SCREEN HEIGHT / 2 ) + ( VAL(latitudeAsString) * ( SCREEN HEIGHT / 2 ) ) / 180 FUJINET SET JSON QUERY queryTimeStamp FUJINET STATUS timestampString = FUJINET READ(FUJINET BYTES AS STRING) FUJINET CLOSE HOME PRINT longitudeAsString;",";latitudeAsString END PROC firstTime = TRUE background := NEW IMAGE(16,11) PUT IMAGE map AT 0, 0 DO previousLongitude = longitude previousLatitude = latitude fetch[] IF longitude <> 0 AND latitude <> 0 THEN IF NOT firstTime THEN PUT IMAGE background AT previousLongitude, previousLatitude firstTime = FALSE ENDIF GET IMAGE background FROM longitude, latitude PUT IMAGE iss AT longitude, latitude WITH TRANSPARENCY ENDIF SLEEP 10 LOOP
The instructions here refer to compiling the example from the command line. For Microsoft Windows
users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile each single example with just one click.
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In order to compile the example, type this command on the command line:
ugbc.coco -O bin -o fujinet_iss_tracker.bin fujinet_iss_tracker.bas
ugbc.coco.exe -O bin -o fujinet_iss_tracker.bin fujinet_iss_tracker.bas
For Microsoft Windows users we suggest using UGBASIC-IDE, which allows
you to download and compile this example with just one click.
If you have found a problem trying to run this example, if you think there is a bug or, more
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Thank you!
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