Available on: vic20 atari atarixl c128 c64 coleco plus4 vg5000 gb cpc pc1403 msx1


This command makes the computer emit an explosion-like sound. It is possible to indicate the duration of sound effect and on which voices the system should emit the sound. If omitted, it will be issued on all.

Note that the execution of the effect can be synchronous or asynchronous, depending on the target. Synchronous execution means that the program will wait for the effect to complete before returning; on the contrary, asynchronous execution requires the program to continue executing subsequent instructions.

The behavior can be modified by the DEFINE AUDIO SYNC and DEFINE AUDIO ASYNC pragmas, which however may not be available for the target in question.


 BOOM [duration [MS]] [ON channel]

  • id : identifier
  • type : datatype
  • v : value
  • "..." : string
  • [...] : optional


 BOOM 1000 MS
 BOOM 100 MS ON %001


Join BASIC 10Liner Contest with ugBASIC!

An interesting competition is held at the beginning of each year: the BASIC 10Liner Contest. It is possible to use ugBASIC to participate in the next "BASIC10Liner" competition, in the following categories:

  • PUR-120 - A game in 10 lines of max 120 characters (w/abbrev.)
  • EXTREME-256 - A game in 10 lines of max 256 characters (w/abbrev.)
  • SCHAU - Any program in 10 lines of max 256 characters (w/abbrev.)
In order to reduce space you can use this abbreviation for this instruction:

BOOM ↔ Boo

Any problem?

If you have found a problem with this keyword, if you think there is a bug or, more simply, you would like it to be improved, open an issue for this example on GitHub.
Thank you!

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