This keyword represents the color purple. Depending on the methodology and technique, as well as the available hardware, it can correspond to a specific color in the RGB space. However, not all computers have this color. In which case, it is approximated by the closest color available, which is usually also used in decoding images to identify the color to use.
Join BASIC 10Liner Contest with ugBASIC!
An interesting competition is held at the beginning of each year: the
BASIC 10Liner Contest.
It is possible to use ugBASIC to participate in the next
"BASIC10Liner" competition, in the following categories:
PURPLE (constant) ↔ Pur
If you have found a problem with this keyword, if you think there is a bug or, more
simply, you would like it to be improved, open an issue for this example on GitHub.
Thank you!
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