This is a list of games made with ugBASIC. This is not a complete list. if sources are available, the level of compatibility with all platforms supported by ugBASIC is indicated, according to the current version (1.17).
Beyond the door (10 liner)
The aim of the game is to exit from a maze, choosing the right door and avoiding the monster that chase you. You have a limited time to choose, and to explore the various doors. It is a self-competiting game, and it is designed for one player. This game joins the "BASIC10Liner" competition 2025
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong is a 1981 arcade video game developed and published by Nintendo. As Mario, the player runs and jumps on platforms and climbs ladders to ascend a construction site and rescue Pauline from a giant gorilla, Donkey Kong. It is the first game in the Donkey Kong series and Mario's first appearance in a video game.
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)
Hangword! is the electronic version of a guessing game for one player. The computer chooses a word and the player tries to guess it by suggesting letters within seven (7) guesses. The game contains a vocabulary of 2.048 English words.
Italian version available.
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)
Sokoban (Japanese: 倉庫番 or "warehouse keeper") is a puzzle-type video game in which the player pushes crates through a maze and tries to place them in their assigned location.
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)
The Savage Sword of COCON
The Savage Sword of COCON is brawler on the lines of Barbarian. It runs on a TRS-80 Color Computer with 64kb, requires a disk drive and at least one joystick. It can be single played against the 5 kingdom's sword masters, vs played against a friend and also vs played by RPG stats, where each player designs a barbarian and you get to watch them go.
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)
Creepy Carrots
This is a clone of Manic Miner where you have to collect all the carrots and reach the exit of the level. The game shows the capabilities of ugBASIC: graphics in 160x200x16, switching video pages, managing 3 banks of RAM in addition to the main memory, reading multiple keyboard keys at the same time (if hardware allows it), and inline ASM.
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)
BooMfire is an implementation in ugBASIC for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum of the well-known DOOM Fire effect.
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)
ACME, inc. (10 liner)
This game is a multitasking arcade game for one player. The aim of the game is to make the coyote run for as long as possible, avoiding the barrels that roll towards him. The more barrels you avoid, the higher the score. It is a self-competiting game, and it is designed for one player. This game joins the "BASIC10Liner" competition 2024
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)
FALLING BALLS (10 liner)
This game is a multitasking arcade game for one player. The player must drop balls into the baskets at the bottom of the screen, in the shortest possible path. The longer the ball travels across the screen, the fewer points he/she accumulates This game joins the "BASIC10Liner" competition 2024
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)
PICK THE STAR (10 liner)
This game is a multitasking arcade game for one player. The player must pick mostly the stars that descend from the top of the screen, because they give to the player the higher score. This game joins the "BASIC10Liner" competition 2023
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)
TIC-TAC-TOE (10 liner)
This game is a traditional paper-and-pencil game for two players who take turns marking the spaces in a three-by-three grid with X or O. This game joins the "BASIC10Liner" competition 2023
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)
Sokoban is a famous puzzle game designed in 1981 by Hiroyuki Imabayashi, and first published in December 1982. This C64 version includes 64 8x8 tricky levels by David Skinner.
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)
This game is a "Connect Four" clone. The objective of the game is to be the first to form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of four of one's own tokens.
⬤ = can it be compiled without errors?
⟳ = can it be launched on the reference emulator?
☐ = can it draw correctly?
⛬ = can it interact correctly?
⚑ = compiled with 10 liner option (-1)