Change logs of ugBASIC language

Beta branch (gb)

MAIN ALL cpc atarixl atari coleco c128 c128z c64 c64reu d32 d64 msx1 pc128op plus4 sc3000 sg1000 coco coco3 mo5 to8 vic20 zx

This log contains only updates since the last released version (1.17).

  • BETA UPDATE [rev. 20250222] BETA

    commit: 9ac4fdc69 (on github)
    • Fixes for dojo support stub
    • Fixes for fujinet support stub
    • Fixes for serial support stub
    • Added preliminary interface fujinet - dojo
    • Refactorized dojo support: 4 byte port id, and anonymous ports

Any problem?

If you have found a problem, if you think there is a bug or, more simply, you would like something to be improved, write a topic on the official forum, or open an issue on GitHub.
Thank you!