Change logs of ugBASIC language

Branch main

  • v1.16.3 [rev. 20240907] COLDFIX

    commit: 06124ebba (on github)
    • Fixed zero paged registers for gtia.

  • v1.16.3 [rev. 20240906] COLDFIX

    commit: 23a0a080d (on github)
    • Fixed unsigned power of two division under 6809
    • Fixed LOWER under z80
    • Fixed power of 2 division on z80

  • v1.16.3 [rev. 20240904] COLDFIX

    commit: db2c7b648 (on github)
    • Refactorized disk generation for coco (from beta).
    • Retro compatible hack: cocon_1163
    • Fixed SOUND to use audio chipset timer under coleco, c64reu, c64, c128, atari, atarixl
    • Fixed optimization routines for c64reu
    • Fixed default -R value for c64reu
    • Fixed optimization rule under 6502
    • Fixed c64reu/c64 interrupt services routines.
    • Fixed starting / stop sound generation under sid (c64, c64reu, c128)
    • Fixed start video buffer in atarixl
    • Fixed division by power by 2 on z80
    • Fixed non scrolling PRINT in graphic mode under vic2 / ted
    • Fixed LOWER under vic20, c643reu
    • Fixed d64 disk image creation under c64reu
    • Fixed string tranpilation (memory allocation).
    • Fixed DATA generation for binary strings under cpc, c128, atari, atarixl.
    • Fixed path separator decoding for LOAD instructions
    • Fixed error messages on INCLUDE FILE and IMPORT DECLARES
    • Fixed RESTORE with label
    • Fixed LOWER under atari
    • Fixed utf8 support on INCLUDE

  • v1.16.3 [rev. 20240827] COLDFIX

    commit: 1171bdfc9 (on github)
    • Increased available memory for parsing on compilers (10x factor)
    • Fixed star star (mul2) operator with variables
    • Fixed READ dynamic strings
    • Fixed RESTORE under 6809
    • Fixed string garbage collection under 6502
    • Fixed INK / PEN / COLOR for coco/d32/d64 (graphic modes)

  • v1.16.3 [rev. 20240825] COLDFIX

    commit: ef4741a8e (on github)
    • Fixed memory exhausting re-using static strings (z80)
    • Fixed memory exhausting re-using static strings (6502)
    • Fixed memory exhausting re-using static strings (6809)
    • Fixed wrong IRQ usage in BELL command (coco / coco3)
    • Fixed add with 32 bit constants under 6809
    • Fixed disruptive optimization rule under 6809
    • Fixed vic2 graphical mode 2 COLUMNS
    • Fixed PRINT under graphical mode 3 (vic2)

  • v1.16.3 [rev. 20240805] COLDFIX

    commit: 846e26072 (on github)
    • Fixed XOR opcode on 6809 code generation
    • Fixed 6809 instruction for sn-76489
    • Inconsistent IF behavior #920
    • Fixed abbreviation for WAIT

  • v1.16.3 [rev. 20240801] COLDFIX

    commit: e438e8a70 (on github)
    • BELL instruction hangs coco3 target #916
    • Improving CLS color for CoCo #917
    • Fixed storage of char under 6502
    • Fixed disruptive optimization rule under MOS 6502

  • v1.16.3 [rev. 20240728] COLDFIX

    commit: 846693ccf (on github)
    • INPUT on Spectrum leaves cursor #914
    • Possible screen misalignment on C64? #915
    • Compiler crash for CoCo target #912
    • Scrolling broken for CPC target #913
    • PRINT introduces spaces in Dragon target #906
    • CLS does not reset cursor position #911
    • INPUT not working on C64 #909
    • INPUT not working on Spectrum target #908
    • Scroll causes weird chars to appear on Spectrum target #907
    • Removed floating point debug print under 6502

  • v1.16.3 [rev. 20240725] COLDFIX

    commit: 2fbb61e61 (on github)
    • Check correctness of temporary path #902
    • Fixed switch to text mode under vic2
    • PROCEDURE cannot return FLOAT #901
    • Fixed c128 PAPER command
    • Fixed vic2 set paper color

  • v1.16.3 VERSION

    commit: 12aabf411 (on github)

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240717] COLDFIX

    commit: ad212359d (on github)
    • Fixed PLOT color under zx
    • Fixed PLOT under tms9918 (coleco,msx1,sg1000,sc3000)
    • Fix TEXTMAP AT / BITMAP AT under 6847 #800

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240715] COLDFIX

    commit: 8a8924d45 (on github)
    • Fixed constant emission in empty procedures
    • Fixed CONSOLE under atari/atarixl text mode
    • Fixed PALETTE / COLOR under atari/atarixl
    • Fixed FOR...NEXT multithreaded
    • Fixed FOR...NEXT if variable is named
    • Fixed EVERY CALL calling procedure name

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240714] COLDFIX

    commit: f147a7a81 (on github)
    • Fixed FOR...NEXT on index variable undefined
    • Fixed BIT instruction under 6809
    • Fixed PLOT on 4 colors resolution on gime
    • Fixed bit check extended on little endian targets (d32, d64, coco, coco3, pc128op)
    • Fixed FOR...NEXT step

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240711] COLDFIX

    commit: f7645b137 (on github)
    • Fixed FOR...NEXT on multithread
    • Refactorized resident variables to match temporary one
    • Fixed starting number of threads
    • Fixed FOR...NEXT
    • STEP not working for the Dragon target #802

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240710] COLDFIX

    commit: 9bf166708 (on github)
    • Fixed FOR...NEXT backward
    • STEP not working for the Dragon target #802
    • Fixed PROCEDURE / ON PROC if procedure name is a reserved word.

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240702] COLDFIX

    commit: 58d1b91f7 (on github)
    • Fixed REM decoding using CR on Windows systems
    • Fixed inversion joystick detection (up/down) on coco3
    • Fix joystick count under to8
    • Fixed WAIT MILLISECONDS on msx1
    • Fixed interrupt service on msx1 - avoid to double increment timer
    • Fixed tms9918 source code for 32 bit compilation
    • Fixed 6847 source code for 32 bit compilation
    • Fixed array write for BIT datatype
    • Fixed array definition inside memory area for c64
    • Fixed vic2 source code for 32 bit compilation
    • Fixed dynamic string garbage collection on z80

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240628] COLDFIX

    commit: 85537fd03 (on github)
    • Fixed (not) support for keyboard on sg1000
    • BITMAP ENABLE without parameters is SCREEN #3 under pc128op/to8
    • BITMAP ENABLE without parameters is SCREEN #0 under cpc
    • Fixed JOY COUNT when no joystick is available (c128z, mo5, pc128op)
    • Fixed CLINE under cpc
    • On Commodore targets missing label crashes IDE #798

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240627] COLDFIX

    commit: 5e857f0be (on github)
    • Fixed JOY under zx (returns always 0)
    • Fixed KEY STATE / KEY PRESS code for key cursors under zx
    • Added value on negative constant error (E071)
    • Fixed CONSOLE support under zx
    • Fixed keyboard codes for sc3000
    • Fixed CLINE on pc128op
    • Fixed KEY STATE and KEY PRESS under msx1
    • Fixed (not) supporting JOY on mo5
    • Fixed KEY STATE under mo5
    • Fixed garbage collection under mo5, pc128op and to8
    • Fixed joystick support con d32/d64

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240625] COLDFIX

    commit: 5889c4083 (on github)
    • Fixed joystick support con coco3
    • Fixed FREE_STRING under z80
    • Fixed KEY STATE on atari/atarixl
    • Fixed scancode on atari/atarixl

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240623b] COLDFIX

    commit: d96cd402a (on github)
    • Fixed z80_move_8bit_indirect under z80
    • Fixed image conversion on mode 1 on cpc
    • Fixed image color decoding on cpc chipset

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240623] COLDFIX

    commit: 85197a056 (on github)
    • SCREEN COLUMNS returns wrong value #792
    • PRINT @ not working #791
    • Fixed BANK READ on pc128op, mo5 and to8
    • Fixed FLIP command - disabled IRQ on flip execution (ef936x, pc128op, to8, mo5)
    • Fixed FREE STRING variable on 6502
    • Fixed CONSOLE print under vic2 graphic mode

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240619] HOTFIX

    commit: c1b65668d (on github)
    • Initialized to zero variables should be not reinitialized #788

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240617] COLDFIX

    commit: 84c844fe8 (on github)
    • Fixed optimizer for 6502
    • Initialized to zero variables should be not reinitialized #788
    • BANKED arrays do not work under pc128op #789
    • Fixed image size asserts referred to frame width / height
    • Fix random number generator under z80
    • Fixed SCANCODE / INKEY under c128

  • v1.16.2 [rev. 20240601] COLDFIX

    commit: 7cdc4b714 (on github)
    • Fixed palette detection on vic2 using pepto values
    • Fixed PRINT under vic2 and graphic modes.
    • Fixed CENTER instruction for CONSOLE support.
    • Fixed LOCATE instruction for CONSOLE support.

  • v1.16.2 VERSION

    commit: 8dca67f3e (on github)

  • v1.16.1 [rev. 20240524] COLDFIX

    commit: 9f1fce25d (on github)
    • Fixed PRINT on vic2 (foreground color)

  • v1.16.1 [rev. 20240523] COLDFIX

    commit: 0b54112f2 (on github)
    • Fixed SWAP variable usage

  • v1.16.1 [rev. 20240520] COLDFIX

    commit: cd09d1bc1 (on github)
    • Fixed disruptive optimization rule on 6809
    • Fixed FP constant calculation on 6502
    • Fixed array definition under cpc

  • v1.16.1 [rev. 20240505.0915] COLDFIX

    commit: ff5706865 (on github)
    • fixed DWORD to FLOAT conversion (signed)
    • fixed RND() on 32 bit values

Any problem?

If you have found a problem, if you think there is a bug or, more simply, you would like something to be improved, write a topic on the official forum, or open an issue on GitHub.
Thank you!